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Glossary of terms used on this site
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Mallet finger

Mallet finger - involuntary flexion of the distal phalanx of a finger caused by avulsion of the extensor tendon

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Meta-tarsal-gia – a cramping burning pain below and between the metatarsal bones where they join the toe bones

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Mild Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain - a basic bodily sensation in the low back that is induced by a noxious stimulus, is received by naked nerve endings, is characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leads to evasive action

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Mild sprain, strain, patella Injury

Patella (Knee Cap) - a thick flat triangular movable bone that forms the anterior point of the knee, protects the front of the joint, increases the leverage of the quadriceps, and is usually regarded as a sesamoid bone since it is developed in the tendon of the quadriceps and in structure is similar to other sesamoid bones -- called also kneecap, kneepan

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