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Glossary of terms used on this site
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Tennis Elbow syndrome

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) - inflammation and pain over the outer side of the elbow involving the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and usually resulting from excessive strain on and twisting of the forearm -- called also lateral humeral epicondylitis

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Thigh Pain

Thigh Pain – Aching the proximal segment of the vertebrate hind or lower limb extending from the hip to the knee and supported by a single large bone , Femur

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Thoraco-lumbar injuries

Thoraco-lumbar injuries – Injury of or involving structures in the region occupied by the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, also called Dorsolumbar

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Thumb dislocations

Thumb - the short and thick first or most preaxial digit of the human hand that differs from the other fingers in having only two phalanges, in having greater freedom of movement, and in being opposable to the other finger

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Traction to control back pain

Pelvic Traction - a pulling force exerted on a skeletal structure (as in a fracture) by means of a special device or apparatus ; also : a state of tension created by such a pulling force

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